Tag Archive for steinberger

Bass Cover

Safe and Sound by Justice

As much as I wanted to upload this video up on Youtube, i kept getting copyright claims that blocked the video from being viewed publicly. One option was to upload the video without the original track and just have the bass track but it just felt weird watching a 3+ minute video of just bass (I’ll upload the isolated bass track up on soundcloud along with the transcription as soon as I get that cleaned up and with tabs).

So it’s been a while since I posted up a bass cover but leave it to Justice to light a fire under my ass to get this cover up.

At first, this bass line is deceptively simple but it took me a while to really get all the nuances of the slap patterns which just so happens to change almost every time the theme comes around. It’s sooooo good tho. It took me forever to nail this bass line but I never got tired of playing it.

You can check out the rest of the videos I have in the new “Video” section of the site. I have a backlog of bass covers that I’ve transcribed but still yet to record so I’ll do my best to be a bit more consistent with these.

Gotta keep practicing!

PS. Just a little info on the recording process, this was recorded direct through an apogee duet then I applied EQ, compression, and volume automation in Logic.