Tag Archive for youtube
Bass Solo Arrangement
Cellophane – Project O.N.S. Live at Lilypad
Bass CoverTurn Around by Rundfunk
Heard this while I was skimming through some EDM playlists. It opens up with this kinda acid jazz/funk groove then goes into a thumping 16th note line. Then the slap bass riff in the middle of the tune just sealed it for me, had to cover it.
Let me know what you think in the comments bellow and please toss a like and subscribe to the channel. I’m really back logged on the covers I want to do so hopefully it won’t be another year before I post up something new.
I recorded going through a Darkglass B7K Ultra and a Darkglass Super Symmetry compressor. I tweaked the EQ a bit in Logic and put another compressor on it to even out the attack.
Thanks again for checking the vid out 🙂
Bass CoverAddicted To Memory by Zedd (feat. Bahari)
I’ve had this tune on my radar since I first heard it in 2015 and I’ve finally got it polished enough to record and upload. I really dug Zedd’s first studio album, Clarity, and I’m still thinking of a bass cover to do off that album, but this tune got it’s hooks in me from the get go. Had to transcribe it, figure out how to play it, and here it is 🙂
A little info about the process, the song is more or less centered around the C# Mixolydian b13 scale so that helped a lot in figuring out the general shape and, most importantly, the whole back-end of the tune. The slap stuff is more or less standard fare but getting all the accents right and locking in properly with the tune took some work.
For recording, the NS Design Radius 5-string gives a lot of presence so it’s been my go to bass for a long time now. I used the Super Symmetry Bass Compressor from Darkglass Electronics before going into the Apogee Duet and recording in Logic. For VST, I added basic EQ, some more compression, and a SVT amp modeler. Cleaned the audio up a bit with some volume automation and done 🙂
For the video, I use a Sony Action Cam to capture the footage and edit everything in Adobe Premiere.
This tune has been a milestone for me in terms of developing my technique and precision so it’s a great feeling having gotten it this far. I hope I get a chance to perform this live at some point in the near future.
Anyway, thanks for watching. Please like, subscribe, and share 🙂
Bass cover: DVNO by Justice
I’ve been digging on Justice and Daft Punk lately and was floored by the bass on this tune. Really funky and it’s even got a ripping bass solo at the end.